Patna's Trusted Hip Replacement Specialist

Regain your ability to enjoy hobbies, sports, and daily activities.

If you've been witnessing the debilitating pain and discomfort due to hip displacement or hip-related issues, you understand the immense toll it takes on both their physical well-being and emotional state. Seeing someone you care about struggle with something as fundamental as mobility can be heart-wrenching, and it's a pain that can ripple through your entire family. That's where Dr. Jaswinder, a renowned expert in hip surgery, comes to your rescue in Patna.

With years of experience and a deep understanding of the physical and emotional pain that hip issues can bring, Dr. Jaswinder is not just a skilled surgeon but a compassionate caregiver. He recognizes that it's not only the patient but their entire support system that endures the journey of pain, worry, and hope for a better, more mobile future.

What is hip replacement surgery?

What is hip replacement surgery?

Hip replacement, or total hip arthroplasty, is a surgery to replace a damaged hip joint with an artificial one. It's used for hip fractures and severe arthritis-related pain. Arthritis types affecting the hip include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and traumatic arthritis. The goal is to relieve persistent hip pain by replacing damaged joint parts. Two methods are traditional (with a longer incision) and minimally invasive (using smaller incisions), but suitability depends on individual cases and is determined by your doctor.

Why might I need hip replacement surgery?

Hip replacement surgery treats hip pain and disability, primarily caused by osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis damages hip cartilage and limits movement, causing severe pain and hindering daily activities.

Other arthritis types and hip injuries can also lead to hip joint degeneration. In some cases, hip replacement addresses certain hip fractures, which result from injuries and cause intense pain, making walking difficult.

When medical treatments like anti-inflammatory medications, pain relievers, and physical therapy don't effectively manage arthritis pain, hip replacement becomes an option. It may also be recommended for various other reasons by your healthcare provider.

What are the risks of hip replacement surgery?

What are the risks of hip replacement surgery?

Potential surgical complications include bleeding, infection, blood clots, dislocation, need for additional surgery, and nerve injury leading to weakness or numbness. Specific risks may vary with your medical condition; discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider before the procedure.

What’s the Next Step for You

What’s the Next Step for You?

Before consenting to any test or procedure, ensure you have clarity on:

  • Test/procedure name.
  • The purpose behind it.
  • Associated risks and benefits.
  • Date, location, and the performing healthcare provider.
  • Expected result delivery and method.
  • Cost implications of the test/procedure.

Choose Dr. Jaswinder Singh, your trusted orthopedic surgeon in Patna, for expert care.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment if you or your loved one is suffering from issues in hip and nearby areas