Breaking Free from Knee Pain, With
Dr. Jaswinder Singh

Patna's Renowned Knee Replacement Surgeon

Total Knee Replacement Surgeon In Patna, Bihar

A cutting-edge procedure, knee replacement surgery involves the substitution of a deteriorated or injured knee joint with a state-of-the-art artificial joint crafted from materials like metal or plastics. Dr. Jaswinder Singh, based in Patna, is your trusted expert for this transformative surgery. Dr. Singh delivers personalized diagnostic assessments and tailored nonoperative and operative treatment strategies. Renowned for his specialized care, he ensures comprehensive support throughout the surgery and the crucial postoperative phase. Schedule an appointment at Dr. Jaswinder Singh's office today to embark on your journey towards enhanced knee health and mobility!

What is Total Knee Replacement?

What is Total Knee Replacement?

Total knee replacement, alternatively known as total knee arthroplasty, is a surgical intervention that involves the removal of worn-out or damaged surfaces within the knee joint, substituting them with an artificial prosthesis.

Tell Tell Signs, You Need a Knee Replacement Surgery In Patna

Knee replacement surgery is typically recommended for individuals experiencing advanced osteoarthritis of the knee, a prevalent form of arthritis characterized by the gradual deterioration of joint cartilage. This condition commonly affects the elderly. Your physician might suggest total knee replacement if you exhibit:

  • Intense knee pain significantly impedes daily activities such as walking, standing from a chair, or climbing stairs.
  • Moderate to severe pain persisting during rest or disrupting your sleep at night.
  • Chronic knee inflammation and swelling that persists despite rest or medication.
  • Ineffectiveness of pain relief from medications, injections, physical therapy, or other conservative treatments.
  • A bow-legged knee deformity.

What Does Knee Replacement Surgery Look Like?

Total knee replacement surgery aims to alleviate pain and restore the alignment and functionality of the knee.

Performed under either spinal or general anesthesia, the procedure begins with an incision made over the affected knee to expose the joint. Specialized jigs aid in cutting the damaged portions of the femur bone at appropriate angles. The femoral component is then attached to the end of the femur, either with or without bone cement.

Subsequently, the surgeon addresses the damaged area of the tibia (shinbone) and cartilage by cutting or shaving them. This step removes any deformed bone portions and bony growths, creating a smooth surface for implant attachment. The tibial component is secured to the end of the bone using bone cement or screws.

Inserting a plastic piece known as an articular surface between the implants ensures a smooth gliding surface for movement. This plastic insert bears the body's weight and facilitates the femur's movement over the tibia, resembling the function of the original meniscus cartilage.

The femur and tibia, now equipped with the new components, are connected to form the reconstructed knee joint. To ensure the patella (kneecap) glides smoothly over the new artificial knee, its rear surface is prepared to receive a plastic component.

Following the placement of all components, the surgeon tests the knee joint through its range of motion. The entire joint is then irrigated and cleansed with a sterile solution. The incision is meticulously closed, drains are inserted, and a sterile dressing is applied over the incision site.

Postoperative Care Following Total Knee Replacement

Postoperative Care Following Total Knee Replacement

Post-surgery, rehabilitation commences promptly. A dedicated physical therapist will guide you through targeted exercises designed to enhance leg strength and regain knee mobility. The use of knee immobilizers adds stability to the knee, enabling walking with crutches or a walker. Additionally, a Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine may be employed. This device, affixed to the treated leg, systematically moves the knee joint through a controlled range of motion while you're at rest. Simultaneously, your physical therapist will furnish a personalized home exercise program, focusing on strengthening your thigh and calf muscles.

Are There Any Risks Involved in Knee Replacement Surgery?

Like any significant surgical procedure, total knee replacement surgery comes with potential risks and complications, such as:

  • Stiffness in the knee
  • Infection
  • Formation of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis)
  • Damage to nerves and blood vessels
  • Injuries to ligaments
  • Dislocation of the patella (kneecap)
  • Wear and tear of the plastic liner
  • Loosening of the implant

Choose Dr. Jaswinder Singh, your trusted orthopedic surgeon in Patna, for expert care.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment if you or your loved one is suffering from issues in Knee.